Personal Finance for High Earners

Published 2020-07-11
Platform Udemy
Rating 4.22
Number of Reviews 28
Number of Students 128
Price $84.99
Daniel Li

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Learn the frameworks and mental models you need to make personal finance decisions

Personal finance shouldn't be complicated. This course will introduce you to the fundamentals of personal finance and help you set up the mental models and Excel models to make good decisions for your own financial situation.

The content in this course is tailored towards high earners interested in topics like financial independence and early retirement, rather than a general audience, so instead of "steps" or "methods" for paying down debt or starting a side business, the course will cover the key mental models and frameworks you need to understand to reach your own financial goals.

Each video in this course will start with explaining the basics of a concept like budgeting or investing, dive in to the key equations and frameworks for understanding the concept, and then walk through real-life examples of building a financial plan, choosing a career, or valuing an asset.

By the end of this course, you should have a strong understanding of topics like behavioral economics, financial planning, finance and investing, and feel confident making deliberate and informed decisions about your finances.

We'll cover the following topics in this course:

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