Plan Your Dream Solo Trip

Published 2020-08-20
Platform Udemy
Rating 4.22
Number of Reviews 5
Number of Students 65
Price $19.99
Lisa Imogen Eldridge (Girl about the Globe)

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A Step by Step Course to Planning Your Dream Solo Trip

Whether you have travelled solo before, are new to solo travel or are planning to travel again after two years of the pandemic, planning your trip can be overwhelming. That's where this course comes in. The Plan Your Dream Solo Trip course has 12 modules to turn you into a solo travel goddess (not that you’re not one already).

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the amount of information on the internet or are nervous or unsure if you can actually travel solo. This course will show you that you can.

From deciding where to go and what to do, to how to work out if you can afford a trip abroad, you'll be given the exact 12 steps that you need to book your solo trip. And because it’s interactive you can use it again and again to plan all of your travels.

There will also be support from our community every step of the way to answer any questions you have about planning your dream solo trip whether that’s how long to spend in a city or which destinations would be better for you.

N.b. This course has been updated in February 2022 to reflect travelling in a post-pandemic world.

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