Pokémon, Mythology, and Culture: Greece

Published 2021-08-11
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 3
Price $19.99
Lauren Ard

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Explore the Pokemon that might have been inspired by gods and monsters from Greek Mythology.

There are more than 800 different types of Pokemon in the form of cards, TV shows, and games. How did the Pokemon creators come up with their ideas? It turns out that some are based on mythology! In this class, we'll explore more than 25 Pokemon that might have been inspired by the monsters and gods of Greek Mythology. At the end, students can choose to make their own Pokemon, based on a creature from Greek Mythology that has not inspired any Pokemon yet.

Please note that this is not meant to be a comprehensive overview of Greek mythology. Instead, our focus will be on aspects of Greek mythology that overlap with Pokemon. Students don't need any prior knowledge of either Pokemon or Greek Mythology to enroll in this class, but it will certainly enhance their enjoyment of the material.

Part 1: Gods and Goddesses (Aphrodite, Apollo, Helios, Hypnos, Morpheus, and Nike)

Part 2: Beasts and Monsters (Medusa, Dryads, Cyclops, Chimera, Sirens, Lycaon, Basilisk, Cerberus, Charybdis, Hydra, Stymphalian Birds, Steeds of Helios, Taurus, and Ursa Major and Minor)

Part 3 Mystical Objects (Ariadne's String, Poseidon's Trident, Aegis Shield, and the Golden Fleece)

Part 4: Create Your Own Pokemon (Argus Panoptes, Delphinus, Ophiotaurs, Geryon, Arachne, and Pandora's Box)

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