Practical Guide to Personal Finance - Young Adults

Published 2021-06-21
Platform Udemy
Rating 4.60
Number of Reviews 9
Number of Students 44
Price $54.99
Ayo Lapite

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Learn the Key Skills needed to Take Control of Your Financial Situation, including the 5 Key Steps to Financial Freedom

I'd like to congratulate you on the simple fact that you are reading this. It means that you are ready to take charge of your personal finances, and are looking for solutions. This is the course that makes taking control of your personal finances simple, and provides a structure to improving your situation!

There is so much information available out there on what to do, steps to take and what is best for your personal finance. But, very rarely is it all in one place, with a structure, and logical practical steps.

In this course, I take you through the 5 steps to putting your finances in order, which explanations of how to perform each step and why each step is a higher priority to complete than the next.

I have helped quite a few people with paying off thousands ($000s) of dollars in debt, and improving their credit scores by a couple hundred points. I have personally gone through the very journey I am taking you through. I am just a regular person with a job like you. However, I am passionate about personal finance, and from my experiences and others, I have garnered information that is packaged into this structured approach to help you make your money go farther and get on the path to building wealth.

At the end of this course, you will:

Regardless of any prior knowledge or expertise you have, all the information presented here is concise, with templates to work with, and in simple to understand English, not financial jargon.

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