Yogic Breathing/Pranayama Course for Beginners

Published 2022-01-07
Platform Udemy
Price $44.99
Yogi Sandeep Rishikesh

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An extensive Pranayama course to get a profound understanding of breathing

Join this Online Pranayama Course and discover the power of the breath on the mind, body, and emotions using traditional pranayama (yogic breathing) techniques. Learn to apply these ideas to your daily life to help you become healthier and happier.

One of the most important ways we may influence the flow of energy, or prana, in our body is through our breath. You can enhance your digestion and reduce stress by learning to balance and manage this flow through various breathing exercises.

Pranayama is an excellent tool for keeping you healthy and happy. Aside from the physical benefits, it has been shown to significantly reduce stress, promote happiness, improve focus, and much more.

This course will teach you how to use 6 different breathing or pranayama techniques to reach various energy states in your body.

Techniques learned in this Pranayama course:

If you would like to have more control over how you feel and the energy levels in your body, as well as increase the flexibility and capacity of your lungs, this is the right course for you.

By the end of this course, you will have all the skills you need to continue your own home practice, along with the confidence to use those skills in the most effective way for you!


You will receive a certificate upon completion.

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