Public Speaking and Presentation Skills 101

Published 2022-02-25
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 1
Price $59.99

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How to Create and Deliver a Powerful Presentation

Are you ready to take your public speaking skills to the next level?

Do you have a fear of public speaking that you want to overcome?

Do you want to level up your presentation skills as a way to prepare for your next speaking engagement?

Public Speaking and Presentation Skills 101 is designed to provide a comprehensive learning experience about all aspects of public speaking.  Whether you want to speak in a class, during a work meeting, at a conference, or during a morning news show, this course will help you understand the various public speaking opportunities available to you and how to develop the public speaking skills required to successfully present to an audience.  If you'd like to improve your public speaking skills and learn how to develop a top notch presentation, this is the class for you!


In this course, you’ll learn how to:

By the end of this course, you'll have public speaking and presentation strategies that can be used in a variety of public speaking settings.

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