Let's understand Quran. Module 2,Juzz 8-16

Published 2022-06-01
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 158
Price Free
Amna Usman

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A brief summary of each chapter of Qur'an

The purpose of this course to get a brief summary of Al Quran.

During each session,1  juzz will be covered with audio explanation of 15 minutes, notes and Quranic supplications.

It is for all those who want to understand Quran in short time in a brief manner.

A question from each juzz is also added at the end of the video

All notes can be provided on request (email address provided)

The Qur'an introduces itself as the guidance for the worlds (3:96); and the manifest light (4:174).

According to Qur’an, Allah has laid down solution of every human problem in the Qur’an very clearly.

Allah has revealed this Quran as a guide for all of humanity and Jinn with no exceptions. However, Allah says clearly in these verses that there is no one forcing you to accept this message and to follow it, it’s up to you to make the decision once you’ve reflected on the verses.

The greatest knowledge of all is the knowledge of the Creator, Allah the Most High. So, the very first thing any muslim or non muslim looking to understand the Quran will learn in reading the Quran is knowing who Allah is. We humans will only know about the creator through His names and attributes as described in the divine revelation, the Quran and the Sunnah of the Messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

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