Racing data analysis, GoPro with Race Technology Software

Published 2021-08-26
Platform Udemy
Rating 4.95
Number of Reviews 2
Number of Students 7
Price $34.99
Felipe Faria

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Learn how to analyse racing data like professional teams using a GoPro as your data acquisition system.

Data analysis is key to find performance, regardless if you are in pro level or just a passionate driver. Using a GoPro with GPS you can easily gather valuable information on racing performance, no fancy equipment needed. In this course, you'll learn not only how to operate the software Race Technology that extracts the data from your video files, but also how to analyse properly all these data.

You don't need to install any sensors into your car or bike, or even to your camera. All GoPro with GPS generate video files that contain data in their roots, the same video files that you're simply watching. All you have to do is load this files in the software. This is the best cost effective way of acquiring racing data.

The software will plot the perfect circuit and racing line of eache lap. Divide the files in laps and sectors, and your complete timing sheet is ready to be analysed too.

Learn how to interpret speed, acceleration, racing line, and more! Judge and compare breaking performance, track positioning and corner speed potential.

Compare your files to your friends and team mates, get the best of each lap. Or even experiment gears, brake late, or exit better, find the best answer through data.

Race Technology software is developed by an independent maker, and it can be purchased directly on their website.

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