Reset Your Spiritual Life & Find Your Freedom Now!

Published 2022-02-25
Platform Udemy
Price $84.99
Dr. M Chawla

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Set My People Free - Spiritual Reset Webinar to help you get rid of roadblocks so you can reach your God-given destiny.

This is a spiritual webinar. All are welcome. In this webinar we are going to deal with spiritual root issues that affect our emotions, our health, our relationships and our finances. It is Biblically based. For one to truly benefit from it, one must be totally engaged in the process.

If you have lost passion for life;

If you feel that you have been stuck spiritually;

If you feel that you keep hitting an invisible barrier in your life and no matter what you do, you cannot get through to the other side;

If your love for God has grown cold;

If you feel a dark cloud of depression has settled on you and you cannot battle through it;

If you have tried very hard to restore your health, wealth or relationships, but success has been eluding you;

Then this course if for you. Set My People Free is the name of this course. It is the best Spiritual Bootcamp manual I have ever come across.

Last year, I had offered the first 4 sections for free. Attendees can join a full course for a small fee. However, I feel that doing so does not motivate people to go for total freedom. I would encourage you to take the plunge. This teaching has helped thousands over the past 2 decades. It has been proven to be very effective among those fully engaged.

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