Retirement Readiness Simplified

Published 2021-10-05
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 1
Price $59.99
Anna Knight, CFP

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Step by Step Course to Prepare You for Retirement.

Do you often wonder where to start when thinking about slowing down one day? Do you worry you will not have enough to live on when that day comes? Are you confused about the type of pensions out there and how they all fit in? How about investing for retirement?

In this practical course, Anna Knight, an experienced retirement planner and a Certified Financial Planner with an active practice in Ontario will walk you through the basics of retirement planning. She will start by understanding the current retirement challenges, how much income you need to retire on, and move through an in-depth discussion around the types of retirement income available out there and the detailed explanation of the type of investment vehicles available out there in Canada to provide suitable retirement income. During this course, Anna will also discuss pensions and income options from pensions to provide you with a complete retirement overview.

This course can also be used as a self-discovery so you can determine if you are ready for your retirement. It includes easy-to-follow slides and a worksheet to helps you determine how this information applies to you and your situation.

Please note, the course is mainly intended for residents of Canada.

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