SaaS Marketing: SaaS Startup Lead Generation Lean Startup

Published 2020-12-02
Platform Udemy
Rating 4.63
Number of Reviews 213
Number of Students 1888
Price $99.99
Dekker Fraser, MBA

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SaaS Customers! SaaS Business | SaaS Sales | Startup App Marketing, SaaS App Growth Marketing IT Startup SaaS Startup

Learn SaaS marketing from an expert with 11 years experience marketing for Sony, a Google-backed SaaS, bootstrapped startups, and SaaS companies at various stages of venture funding from Series A to D.

I will teach you...

This course includes:

I’m a Silicon Valley marketing veteran with 11 years’ experience in software marketing for companies including Sony, a Google-backed SaaS, SaaS firms at various stages of venture funding, and numerous bootstrapped SaaS startups. I have an MBA from the #1 marketing school in the US, Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. I also wrote numerous marketing books and taught college-level marketing. This is my SaaS marketing playbook!

This is the perfect course for SaaS founders and their marketers and consultants. Amplify the effectiveness of your marketing team immediately without paying the hefty fees of a Silicon Valley CMO or senior consultant. Empower your team with this bundle which is guaranteed to DOUBLE your qualified SaaS leads! This is the easiest, fastest, cheapest way to get senior-level marketing advice for your SaaS product.

You don't need to learn from trial-and-error. You don't need to waste your money on marketing experiments that don't pay off. This bundle will SAVE you countless wasted dollars and produce qualified leads IMMEDIATELY.

Playbook PDF contents


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Dekker Fraser, MBA

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