Selenium WebDriver +Java-Basic to Advanced+ RealTime Project

Published 2022-07-10
Platform Udemy
Rating 3.73
Number of Reviews 7
Number of Students 107
Price $19.99
Mohit Kumar

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Selenium Web Driver beginner to Master level content.

Hi all, We have designed  Selenium WebDriver  beginner to Master level content. This, course for Manual Tester, Non-Tech Or If having long gap and trying to get job in Automation Testing . After completing course  you are very confidence Selenium WebDriver  basic to framework development and You can crack any interview .

This, course for Manual Tester, Non-Tech Or If having log gap and trying to get job in Automation Testing  After completing course you are very confidence  Selenium WebDriver basic to advanced and You can crack any interview .

Selenium Syllabus


1>Download and Install Java

2>Configure Setup-Eclipse,Selenium,TestNG

3>Difference between Webdriver, RC and IDE

4>How to execute test cases in IE browser using Selenium Webdriver

5>Challenges with IE browser in Selenium Webdriver

6>XPath plugin for Firefox

7>Complete study of Dynamic XPath in Selenium

8>XPath plugin for Chrome

9>How to verify Page title in Selenium Web driver

10>How to work with Radio button and Checkbox in Selenium

Webdriver + How to create re-suabe method to add in Framework

11>Handle Basic Drop down in Selenium WebDriver + How to create re-usable method to add in Framework

12>Guide to perform Drag and Drop in Selenium + How to create re-usable method to add in Framework

13>How to perform Advance activity in Selenium like- Mouse Hover,

RightClick, DoubleClick, Keyboard Event ( How to create re-usable method to add in Framework)

14>Implicit wait in selenium Webdriver ( How to create re-usable method to add in Framework)

15>Explicit Wait in Selenium Webdriver ( How to create re-usable method to add in Framework)

16>Fluent Wait in Selenium Webdriver ( How to create re-usable method to add in Framework)

17>How to capture error message in Selenium Webdriver. ( How to create re-usable method to add in Framework)

18>How to handle frames in Selenium Webdriver ( How to create re-usable method to add in Framework)

19>How to handle Alert in Selenium Webdriver( How to create re-usable method to add in Framework)

20>How to handle Calender in Selenium Webdriver( How to create re-usable method to add in Framework)

21>How to capture Screenshot in Selenium( How to create re-usable method to add in Framework)

22>How to capture screenshots of failed test cases in Selenium

Webdriver ( How to create re-usable method to add in Framework)

23>How to capture tooltip in Selenium Webdriver

24>How to scroll page in Selenium Webdriver ( How to create re-usable method to add in Framework)

25>How to handle Exception in Webdriver

26>Solution for java.lang.illegalstateexception in Selenium


28>How to handle Element not visible exception

29>Solution for sendkeys(CharSequence) in Selenium

30>How to Handle Stale element reference exception in Selenium


31>Difference between findElement and findElements in Selenium


32>- Page Object Model in Selenium – Complete Guide

33>Read and Write Excel file in Selenium using Apache

34>Data Driven Framework in Selenium

35>Maven Integration with Selenium

36>Configure Eclipse with Selenium and TestNG

37>Create First TestNG Program and Execute.

Configure Eclipse with Selenium and TestNG

38>Check reports generated by TestNG

39>Cross browser testing using TestNG

40>Create Data driven framework using DataProivider

41>How to execute only failed testcases in Selenium Webdriver

42>How to disable testcase in Selenium using TestNG

43>How to group Testcases in Selenium using TestNG

44>How to create dependency between Test cases in Selenium


45>How to execute testng.xml file through Java Program

46>Execute Selenium Webdriver Test cases parallel using TestNG



50>Framework from scratch

1)Develop Maven project (How to configure maven)

2)Create Page Object model

3)Create Base class

4)create utility class

5)create Handler class

6)Run all test cases using XML file

7)Create log4j

8)Take screenshot for fail test cases

51) Real Time project Assignments

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