Self-Publishing to the Industry's Standard

Published 2022-04-07
Platform Udemy
Price $34.99

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The Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Self-Publishing and becoming a Published Author.

Self-publishing refers to an author completing the entire publishing process—including printing, editing, proofreading, formatting, cover design, and book marketing—on their own or with their resources. This is done without the help of a traditional publisher or publishing company.

This course helps you to publish your book the RIGHT WAY and focuses on how to Self-Publish books using the book industry's standards for traditional publishing. The lessons are step-by-step instructions on how to complete each component of the publishing process.

Topics include the Standard Publishing Essentials and Self-Publishing Basics such as editing, cover design, typeset, and the title process. The beauty of this course is that no matter what format you decide for publishing, print, or eBook to include Amazon KDP, the lessons in this course will prepare you. By the end of the course, you will be able to answer the questions that most authors that are interested have: What are the benefits of self-publishing? What are the steps to self-publishing? How much does it cost to self-publish? How should I price my book? And the ending result? A professionally developed book worthy of bookstores, gift shops, and eBook distribution.

The book industry is thriving, and self-publishing is on the rise! If you want to learn more about how to self-publish a book, this course is for YOU!

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