Sing with Confidence - BASICS

Published 2020-05-03
Platform Udemy
Rating 4.61
Number of Reviews 19
Number of Students 77
Price $34.99
Michael Land

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Build a solid foundation and unlock your singing potential!

This course is perfect for anyone wanting to build a solid foundation as a singer.  Michael Land shares his tips and secrets from over 20 years of professional singing experience.

The goal of this course is to help students get beyond common struggles and enjoy singing with freedom. Students will learn the proper techniques for:

  1. Breathe control

  2. Singing on pitch

  3. Eliminating stage fright 

  4. Reaching high notes without strain

  5. Erasing vocal breaks

  6. Powerful stage presence

    ...and much more!

Also included in this course are singing assignments at the end of each lesson that include essential vocal warm ups and exercises, which are actually FUN, enjoyable to listen to, and easy to follow along. Imagine more boring exercises!

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