Speaking on camera - Overcoming fear of talking on camera

Published 2022-04-17
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 1
Price $19.99

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How to be confident while speaking on camera and overcome your fears allowing you to be confident and natural on camera

I am sure that you are looking at this course because you have tried to talk on camera or talk to camera and have found it SO HARD and so WEIRD!

Or you have found that your current confidence levels have made it difficult talking to camera and feel comfortable on camera.

Either way, this course is for you. After all - the two are tied together - confidence on camera and overcoming the weird feeling of talking to camera.

Video is a powerful way to connect with your audience. If you are camera shy then putting yourself on camera might seem difficult at first, but when you overcome anxiety with ease and confidence - you'll be so much happier.

You will probably be glad to know that you are not alone in how you feel about speaking on camera. I would probably say that most people who try to talk on camera have experienced what you feel when they started.

And isn't it so INFURIATING when you see amazing people just make talking on camera LOOK SO EASY!

Well following and completing this online course training course will help you overcome camera shyness and increase your camera presence immensely in a short period of time making you look confident and great on camera too.

When I started off working with video I was somewhat narked when I saw how easy others made talking on camera look easy - and when I did it myself - I was such a flop!

I used to think it was just me and that others had somehow got a magic talent that I did not have.

I soon found out that talking to camera was difficult for almost everyone at the start and that they got better with more and more practice.

After watching many videos made by people who were just like me, and who experienced all the issues you are facing now - and in some cases a lot more - in every case they followed certain steps so they could attain mastery over the lense.

This course will teach you many of those mastery steps and most importantly inspire you on your journey to camera confidence success encouraging you to keep going and knowing you will get results if you continue.

Talking to a little blob of black glass called a camera lens and being seen as authentic and natural while at the same time being able to articulate your ideas with ease and flow, is not something that comes naturally - having camera presence is a learned skill.

We are so used to talking with a real person and when a person is replaced by a black blob it's very disconcerting and super unnatural.

Fortunately, there are many techniques you can learn practice, and follow to overcome this natural resistance to talking on camera and we will cover them in this online training course.

And the great thing is the payoffs for mastering camera presence are huge. We now live in a video world. People read less and younger people hardly read at all. Almost all information now is shared via video. Video consumption is huge.

Mastering the art of talking on camera today will give you a lifelong boost in every aspect of your life including your confidence and your relationships.

It is more than worth the effort to master this skill and increase your camera confidence skills.

While some of the techniques I share in this course are not new - some are brand new. But the way I have put this course together is to help someone get from zero to hero as fast as possible.

I can do this because I struggled immensely for over a year with camera skills myself but now I have ridden over the hump on the hilltop and I am super happy to share what has worked for me and what continues to work for me.

So welcome to my course - my name is David Anttony and I am super happy you will join me today.

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