The art of facilitation: learn how to lead a working group

Published 2022-04-12
Platform Udemy

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Facilitation, collaboration, collective intelligence, communication, workshop, meeting

This training is an introduction to facilitation in the business world.

In this training, you will learn effective facilitation techniques and how to animate a working group, in order to get the best out of it.

My goal through this training is to help you meet the challenges of facilitation.

You will discover the fundamentals of facilitator skills.

You will learn how to organize and lead collaborative workshops in a structured way.

I will also give you examples and concrete techniques to unleash the creativity of a group.

Here are some testimonials from my course participants:

“I'm happy to be able to listen to people like Jamal. It's concrete, it goes to the essentials, there is a real sharing, it's precise and above all we feel that he knows what he's talking about with a good preparation upstream. I can only recommend this training, because it is clearly an investment to be made!". Salahddin

“Pleasantly surprised by this course, I learned a lot. So, big questioning that comes at the best time in my life. Very motivating!"  Nicholas

“Thank you for the concrete, the clarity and the synthesis! ". Lynne


Why join this training on facilitation?

Would you like to learn how to conduct effective and productive meetings?

Would you like to know the fundamentals of the facilitator posture?

Or Would you like to discover facilitation techniques and tools to manage a working group?

This training is for you!

These days, we spend a lot of time in meetings. And for good reason, meetings are important, they allow new ideas and better solutions to emerge.

According to a 2013 study, over a 40-year career, executives would spend about 16 years in meetings brainstorming with their colleagues.

Unfortunately, many participants find that the hours they spend in meetings are a waste of time.

Another study showed that 67% of employees complain about spending too much time in meeting which impacts their productivity.

This being said, meetings do not need to be a waste of time. There are techniques to facilitate a group conversation and be productive.

There are techniques that can help you get the best out of your meetings.

You don't have to guess, here are just a few skills you will learn in this training:

This is not a theoretical course, I share with you techniques that you can immediately apply. Throughout the training, you will find practical exercises to immediately apply what you learn.

So what are you waiting for?

Click the Buy now button and learn how to facilitate workshops and meetings effectively.

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