The Art of public speaking: The Perfect Presentation System

Published 2022-05-20
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 5
Price $24.99

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Presentation Skills: If knowledge and practice are critical to speaking success, you've come to the right place!

This course was originally designed an created as a face-to-face , seminar style, half day session for anybody and everybody that wants to get better at presenting.. Its extremely popular, and we still do this for selected audiences. My team and I have been inundated with requests to make this seminar available online, and, well, here it is ! So, no longer do you have to fly me to your venue, pay for my hotel costs... this awesome seminar is now available in video on demand format for your perusal !

So enjoy, let me know what you think, we read each and every comment and suggestion that comes our way believe it or not, and act on those suggestions and comments actively to make this course even better.

" Your careers will be determined largely by how well you speak, by how well you write, and by the quality of your ideas… in that order "


I want to start this message with 3 figures...

7 90 36

No, unfortunately, it's not the winning lotto numbers, but rather startling statistics regarding the nature of presenting and giving a speech. So let’s run through this quickly and discuss what these figures represent :

7:  Research shows us that as presenters, we have 7 seconds to make a good first impression. That’s crazy! But unfortunately very true. So you cannot afford to mess this up, you have 7 seconds from the time you walk into a room to make a good first impression and engage with your audience in a positive manner. And don’t worry, we show you exactly how to accomplish this in this course. So obviously you’ve come to the right place!

The next number is 90, and this is an equally shocking number. So it turns out if you do your slides whether it's in PowerPoint or Canva or whatever you use, and you use your visuals incorrectly, 90% of what you’ve said, no matter how important, will be gone, as in forgotten by your audience, within 30 seconds. You’ve actively wasted your own and everyone else’s time!

"If companies would have as little respect for business as they have for presentations the majority would go bankrupt “

John Medina

The next number … is 36. And again, this is a crazy stat...

It turns out... that you are currently operating at 36% less income than your colleagues that have communication and speaking skills.

In other words...people who can talk in front of an audience earn waaaay more than people who cannot! So where do you want to be on the earnings scale?

And this does not stop with employees! As an entrepreneur you will be expected to do presentations, to sell whatever you are selling, and if you do it better than the next person...guess will be the one to close the deal and make money, not your competitor that doesn’t have the public skills you have.

The good news is you no longer need to be left behind, and the mere fact that you are here, right now, tells me that you want to change this in your favor (And don’t worry, we show you exactly how to accomplish this in this course. So obviously you’ve come to the right place!)

So I’ve sat through 100’s upon 100’s of presentations, and let me tell you, MOST of them just fall flat. What could’ve been a powerful presentation with a clear message...just simply isn’t.

And the thing is...they are not, because most speakers keep making the same mistakes in their presentations, they do not know how to fix these mistakes because they do not know they are making them for starters, and they do not know about basic systems that can be used to transform their presentations from mediocre to brilliant. (The same system coincidently used by the best speakers in the world!)

And that’s where this course comes in. We address the mistakes people make, we tell you how to fix them, AND we give you a simple system for you to design your presentations to get predictable favorable results pretty much every time. So what more can you ask for?

So let's do this! This course is only a few hours long but packed with everything you may need to become a brilliant presenter. So let's get started!

And yes, obviously there are some limitations to doing it like this... But if you stick around until the bonus section of this course you will find that most, if not ALL of these limitations are addressed there in some funky and innovative ways. But I'm not going to let the cat out of the bag yet with regards to this. We must still build a modicum of trust before I can address that completely. IE you need to trust me to deliver what you pay for in other words and I think you will find that this course does that really REALLY well.

Hofmeyr de Vos

Your Expert Instructor


Presentation Skills

public speaking

Investor Pitching

pitch deck

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