The Complete ClickFunnels For eCom Training! + FREE Funnels!

Published 2019-07-30
Platform Udemy
Rating 3.61
Number of Reviews 29
Number of Students 5557
Price $19.99
Aviv Malka

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Learn How to Build Amazing Funnels for eCommerce Business & Quadruple Your Sales Funnels Conversion

It’s no secret that marketing costs are on the rise. Countless marketers are having sleepless nights and headaches trying to figure out how to boost their sales and reach new customers.

The good old days are gone

Only a few years ago, you could spend less than a dollar for customer acquisition. The ‘good-ol days’ are now merely a relic of the past. Times have moved on and so have the marketing costs which are skyrocketing by the day. You would be extremely lucky to pay a dime less than $10 per new customer. The situation is now dire and it seems as if there’s no forthcoming solution. Marketing has changed drastically and expensively.

So, what’s the trick to getting new customers without sacrificing a fortune?

The answer is: SALES FUNNELS

But before going any further, let’s pause for a moment and think. Do you need to bear the exorbitant costs just to acquire a single new customer? I don’t think so.

It’s true that costs are quickly outpacing sales numbers and you would be down the drain if you relied on the same old marketing techniques. You need something new, vigorous and effective and that is: Click Funnels that double, triple and quadruple your sales conversion within no time.

Does that sound easy to you? Well, it’s certainly not a walk in the park if you have no clue how to go about it. You need to know how to implement the core strategies that make your Sales Funnels tick.

What do you stand to gain?

Without doubt, the highest prize you will get has to be the two comma income figures. But before that, you will need to learn the strategies to get you there.

And what’s more? You don’t have to wait for miracles. You could be raking in the numbers with a single funnel. How amazing is that?

The best part of this is that you don’t need to spend a fortune, or move to your momma’s basement. Click-Funnels are a revolutionary way of increasing sales and acquiring high- value customers without you requiring a dedicated marketing team.

Individuals, ecommerce operators and small businesses can tap on the insane power of convertible sales funnels without sacrificing their time and money to build them.

Basically, ClickFunnels is the definitive solution for your business

If creating high converting opt-in pages has been a puzzle for you and your business, then this course will be your helpful guide to success. Here’s a sneak peek into what is contained in this course.

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