The Guest Podcasting Workshop: Be a Guest + Build Your Biz

Published 2021-05-09
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 1
Price $39.99
Tiffany Jo Baker

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Tips and Templates for Being the Best Podcast Guest Ever

With over 1,500,000 podcasts and 60% of podcast listeners making purchases from ads and information heard about on episodes, this course is perfect for ministry leaders, entrepreneurs, coaches authors and speakers who want to utilize guest podcasting to help share their message or service.

As a podcaster, podcast team lead, producer, and coach with over four years of podcast experience, I have received hundreds of pitches (maybe even 1000), been a guest on dozens of podcasts and worked with hundreds of guests. Utilizing what I've learned from the best-of and worst-of submissions and experiences, I created this course and accompanying pitch email template worksheet to help YOU guest podcast well!

Modules include:

Join me for The Guest Podcasting Workshop and learn the platform perks and how-to's of pursuing podcasts to share your message! 

What Course Attendees are saying...

"The Guest Podcasting Workshop was so helpful and informative. It provided valuable tools to not only help me in the areas of podcasting but to think outside-the-box to help me with my brand overall. I highly recommend!" - Jennifer Daly of Cheering on Moms

"If you want to be an amazing podcast guest, Tiffany Jo Baker’s class is a must. She helped me establish a solid foundation of how to prepare an engaging, transformational message. I’ve now been a podcast guest 15 times and counting and I owe much of this success to her guidance." - Jennifer Elwood, Author

"Thank you again for the workshop! I came in halfway through, but even what I came in on was worth the price of admission." - Stephanie

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