The Essentials of Human Interactions:

Published 2022-03-28
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 1
Price $34.99
Norman E. Raison IV

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Principles of Strategic Influence

This course on Human Interactions has been designed to dramatically enhance one's sphere of strategic influence over another in virtually any situation through utilizing the social dynamics involved in all interpersonal relationships. As a result, one can hone the ability to induce desired behaviors, prompt consequent outcomes, and instigate preferred actions. However, the primary focus of each leadership principle is specifically targeted to improve the interaction between a teacher/student, a manager/employee, a superior/subordinate, or any other social scenario involving a listener and a learner. Implementing these fundamental concepts of effective leadership through strategic influence will immensely help any manager, teacher, coach, leadership professional, or individual occupying an elevated position over another build genuine, enduring professional relationships. Thus, substantially increasing his or her effectiveness, competency, and proficiency in his or her role.

This course is based on the book; The Essentials of Human Interactions vol. I

The Principles of Strategic Influence in Teaching, Leadership, and Management is the first edition of a series on "The Essentials of Human Interactions." This innovative, extremely powerful guide to social interactions features an in-depth, easily implementable system of interrelated principles that—when utilized—can dramatically improve ANY interpersonal relationship in which there is a voluntary exchange of ideas. This includes coaching, teaching, management, leadership, training, parenting, communication, or any other influential human activity.

The effectiveness of this ground-breaking system lies within its focus on identifying as well as thoroughly explaining how to use the underlying and underutilized human and social dynamics involved in virtually every interpersonal relationship. When combined, these fifteen principles of strategic influence can help anyone establish sustainable connection points between individuals.

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