Transfer Pricing Fundamentals

Published 2021-03-02
Platform Udemy
Rating 4.65
Number of Reviews 75
Number of Students 191
Price $34.99
Borys Ulanenko

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Understand the basics of the arm's length principle and international transfer pricing rules.

You probably heard about multinationals' tax avoidance, tax heavens and cross-border profit-shifting. In the last decade, many multinationals were accused of tax dodging - often, using something called "transfer pricing". But is transfer pricing bad? What is it, actually?

The course gives an overview of international transfer pricing rules and principles and covers the following topics:

1) What is transfer pricing, associated enterprises and controlled transactions?

2) Why is it relevant from a tax perspective?

3) How multinationals can use transfer pricing for tax avoidance?

4) What are transfer pricing rules?

5) What is the arm's length principle and where it comes from?

6) What is comparability? 

7) What is a functional analysis and why is it needed?

8) What are five OECD transfer pricing methods and when are they used?

9) What is transfer pricing documentation?

The course will be useful for every finance, accounting and tax professional who wants to understand what transfer pricing is about and where modern transfer pricing rules come from. If you need to deal with transfer pricing or intragroup transactions, review the transfer pricing documentation or policies, cooperate with consultants - this course is for you!

The course will be especially useful for someone preparing for a career in transfer pricing or international tax.

The course is not country-specific, as the principles explained in the course are universal around the world.

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