How to Travel More Around your 9-5 Job

Published 2021-05-19
Platform Udemy
Rating 4.44
Number of Reviews 4
Number of Students 54
Price $49.99
Charlotte Jenkyn

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Achieve more positivity, freedom and fulfilment by supercharging your travel potential around your busy lives and 9-5s.

This course is a toolkit that will help you to go from feeling uninspired and frustrated to achieving a sense of freedom and fulfillment, as you learn how to travel more around your job - using my simple, "go-to" hacks that enabled me to travel 8 times in 1 year!

I have created this course to help you travel more around your full time job. I truly feel your pain as I used to work my corporate 9-5 feeling frustrated and stuck. Forward on 2 years and I found ways to overcome obstacles by discovering time, money and organisation hacks - PLUS my mindset (I like to call this my secret ingredient!).

I began to realise something. The more I travelled, the more POSITIVE and FREE I felt! So I've made it my mission to help you travel as much as possible in order to experience this too.

What is included in the course

My course comprises 5 modules, structured in the following order:

In addition to the video recordings and slides, you will receive the following resources in the 32-page course workbook to really help you to dig deeper and really make this course work for you:

The strategies I'll share with you have been tried and tested by me - in fact, they allowed me to travel 8 times in 1 year around my corporate 9-5 job. Pretty crazy right?!

Guess what? We are no different!

I know what you're thinking, what makes me so special?

Let me be totally honest here, I'm not special at all. I was just like you, working a 9-5 job and dreaming of living a life where I was able to do more of what I truly love - travelling.

This is why I had to come up with a solution because I recognised how much travel benefited my well-being and realised how much it lit me up.

So I turned my pain into passion, and have made it my mission to help you do the same.

WHY I'm the right girl to teach you this:

1. I know exactly what you're going through, having worked a 9-5 corporate job, feeling frustrated and stuck - with an overwhelming desire to explore this beautiful planet.

2. I know strategies that work, having used them myself. Overcoming such obstacles as money, time, organisation and (most importantly) mindset, has resulted in my ability to travel abroad 8 times in the space of 1 year.

3. I understand the huge importance of travelling for our health, to boost positivity and give a true sense of fulfilment. For me, travel isn't just a hobby, it's like a magical kind of therapy! I truly believe that by travelling more, we can achieve a better sense of freedom and ultimately more happiness in our lives.

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