Trigonometry 1 with The Math Sorcerer

Published 2022-05-21
Platform Udemy
Rating 4.26
Number of Reviews 3
Number of Students 38
Price $84.99
The Math Sorcerer

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Trigonometry Course with Assignments and Solutions

This is a course on Trigonometry. This courses covers roughly the first half of what is typically taught in a college level course on Trigonometry, hence the name, Trigonometry 1. It includes tons of videos, as well as a few assignments with solutions. This course starts from the very beginning and it assumes you know some basic algebra, although very little algebra is actually used throughout the course. There are a few instances where some algebra does come up, but those instances are explained carefully in the videos. This course is intended for beginners.

One of the most difficult parts of trigonometry is computing the trigonometric function values, and so this course places extra emphasis on that topic. Several examples of computing trig function values are given and I explain different ways to compute them.

Here are some suggestions for how to use this course.

I hope this course helps someone. Remember to try to have fun and work at your own pace.

Good luck:)

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