Typescript In Hindi

Published 2022-08-07
Platform Udemy
Price $84.99
Neeraj Dana

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Learn the concepts of javascript and typescript in hindi

Learn Typescript in Hindi

A Systematic Approach for Learning TypeScript In Hindi

JavaScript is a powerful programming language. But as it continues to evolve, outdated code gets messy and difficult to maintain. That’s where TypeScript comes in. It builds on your JavaScript foundation so you can develop higher-quality, less error-prone code faster. As a TypeScript developer, you’ll be in higher demand and gain a competitive edge in the work world

This is the best course online for mastering Typescript.

Every other course online teaches you the basic syntax and features of Typescript, but only this course will show you how to apply Typescript on real projects, instructing you how to build large, successful projects through example.

Typescript is a 'super-set' of Javascript. That means that if you already know Javascript, you are ready to take this course. Typescript adds in several important features to Javascript, including a type system. This type system is designed to help you catch errors during development, rather than when you are running your code. That means you'll be twice as productive by catching bugs earlier in development. But besides the type system, Typescript also provides several tools for structuring large codebases and writing truly reusable code.

Take-Away Skills:

You will learn how to apply the JavaScript syntax you already know to TypeScript’s type system. This will help you build your own programming experience and give your code more structure. You’ll also use TypeScript’s linter to reduce compilation errors and speed up workflow.

By the end of this course
You will be having very clear concepts
a good understanding of javascript and typescript

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