Effective Video Game Planning

Published 2021-06-27
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 2
Price $19.99
Alexander Garcia

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A practical way to approach ideas, define their main mechanics, and have a clear vision of your game.

Welcome to the course!

What is this course about?

We will make a game design document to have a clear picture of what our game will be. Often times we don't know if our game ideas will work and are too afraid to waste time if it doesn't after all the hard work of prototyping.

Make your ideas more thought out

Often times, just jumping in to our game engines and coding away isn't the best strategy when fleshing out an idea. Putting it on paper and justifying why we think some aspects of the game will work before going in out game engines will give your brain confidence by giving it a clear direction to follow instead of trying random things out without a criteria or standard. Making a game design document will greatly help out in this process.

You can do this course on pen and paper or digitally. That's how accessible this process is!

What you'll learn

Why gathering reference is important to bounce your ideas off of them

How to use story structures to make a story and compelling characters

Why game design documents are so helpful and how to make one

Disclaimer: This is my first course. All feedback is absolutely welcome.

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