Vocal Lessons For Beginners

Published 2021-05-10
Platform Udemy
Rating 3.50
Number of Reviews 1
Number of Students 8
Price $24.99
Vicki Kiely

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Singing Lessons for Beginners

In this course you will be introduced to vocal warm ups, and how to use your voice without damaging it. We will also look at posture and how to stand when singing, as well as how to hold and use a microphone. It is all the basics that you need to know to start off. It will help you with vocal projection, and also give you some skills to improve the way that you use your voice. This course is for everyone! It is an introduction, so you don't need any prior experience or training.

It's the perfect course to give singing lessons a try, and see if they are for you. Whether you just sing in the shower, you have just joined a band, or you simply love to sing.

Not only all of that however, vocal training improves our overall mood and state of being. It is proven that singing creates a deep sense of wellness and happiness. The vibrations that we create when singing have this impact on our bodies, our nervous system and also on our hormonal system. I have been teaching singing full time for 5 years now (over 20 years part time), and my anxiety is now  completely vanished.

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