Wall Yin Yoga

Published 2022-01-19
Platform Udemy
Rating 4.83
Number of Reviews 5
Number of Students 374
Price Free
Customer Experience 24/7

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Stretch your Body with the Support of a Wall

Walls already do so much, holding up our houses and all, but they can also help us with our yoga! We'll use the wall to help us go deeper in some poses (like Runner's stretch) and to enjoy an old favorite (like Caterpillar) in a new way. All you'll need is a blank area of wall the length of your body and the height of your legs (see the free preview of the intro if this is confusing).

One of the big goals of this class is to help you pay attention to areas of your body and mind where you hold tension without realizing you're doing it. It's one thing to be tense but it's another to be so tense that you don't even know you're doing it. An example I use is that I often have my shoulders raised slightly. It's not a lot but when I finally learned to lower them, I felt myself noticeable relax. Oftentimes, we are holding our bodies tight because of something happening in our minds. We'll go through a brief meditation at the beginner of class to bring attention to this and I'll give you reminders throughout class to tune into how your thoughts are perhaps affecting your body.

This course is designed to help you learn Wall Yin Yoga both through a brief introduction and mainly practicing Wall Yin Yoga. I still provide you with a lesson on how to avoid injuring yourself which I recommend watching even if you've already seen it.

The poses included in this class are Wall Butterfly, Legs up the Wall, Wall Straddle, Runner's Stretch (while using the wall), BananaAsana (with the aid of the wall), and Shavasana (the only pose that doesn't use a wall) plus a brief meditation at the beginning of the class.

One thing I want to mention here is that Yin Yoga is not a recovery yoga and that you should practice Yin injury-free. Please, as always, check with a doctor before beginning a new exercise program.

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