WP The Easy Way

Published 2021-10-26
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 1
Price $19.99
James Thomas
Tanith Woods

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The fastest, most efficient method of building a WordPress website

Welcome to WP The Easy Way! This is a complete system for building WordPress websites without a theme, lots of plugins or a developer. It is, in my opinion, the easiest, fastest, most efficient method of building WordPress websites.

Solving The 8 WordPress Problems Everyone HATES

Any of this sound familiar when dealing with WordPress?

If this sounds like you, don’t worry. There’s a simple way of doing things.

I’m going to show you how we build simple WordPress websites without a theme, minimal plugins and get it done in a fraction of the time most people do, at a fraction of the cost.

What Most WordPress Courses Get Wrong, That This Doesn't

This course is about doing things the fastest, easiest most efficient way possible.

  1. They teach you the wrong things. They try to teach you to become a developer, when you just want to be able to build a simple website the easy way.

  2. They don't do things the easy way. They don't teach you how to build websites visually, without code.

  3. They aren't beginner friendly. They assume too much about your level of WordPress background.

  4. They're developer focused. They are made by developers and focused on the 'techie stuff' you don't need to know.

  5. They aren't evergreen. As soon as the course is released, it's already out of date, and you can't follow along to half the videos

  6. There's no secret sauce! They don't give away their 'secret sauce' and all their tips and tricks, they are relying on you contacting them for paid work after you watch the course

The NON Easy Way

Does this sound like your current process for building a WordPress website?

There's A Better Way To Build WordPress Websites, It's Called, WP The Easy Way

Say goodbye to fancy themes, custom code, too many plugins, code conflicts and endless WordPress headaches.

So what are you waiting for? Signup now and start doing things the easy way!

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