Yuen Method Advanced Course for Practitioners

Published 2022-03-09
Platform Udemy
Rating 4.00
Number of Reviews 1
Number of Students 7
Price $74.99
Khadine Alcock

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Be the healer within

Ever felt compelled to heal others and yourself? Then this is the course for you. I teach you using the same information that I give to my private students who want to learn the Yuen Method. Just keep in mind that you will be shifting and improving while you are watching. All you have to do to complete the short but packed with information course, and use it!

Students of the Yuen Method often are overly concerned with the midline and believe that the midline is the key to success with the Yuen Method, but it is not. There are principles of the Yuen Method that, if followed and applied, can help you to shift any issues you or your clients may be having.

As an instructor, I see students self sabotaging themselves thinking they need to practice or study or learn the yuen method. Instead,think of Yuen Method as an attunement and think of the principles that I teach in this course as ways to shift the energy without having to go into a specific root cause. We can shift in a general way as well.

If this interests you and if you are ready to be open minded and understand that while I am talking, you are shifting... then this course will truly benefit you.  I only ask that you value this and that you try to shift those around you so,we can all together, improve the world.

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